
Showing posts from February, 2015

The Careful Use of Compliments by Alexander McCall Smith

Synopsis : For kind, curious, philosophically minded Isabel Dalhousie, editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, getting through life with a clear conscience requires careful thought.  And with the arrival of baby Charlie, not to mention a passionate relationship with this father Jamie, fourteen years her junior, Isabel enters deeper and rougher waters. Late motherhood, however, is not the only challenge facing Isabel.  Even as she negotiates a truce with her furiously disapproving niece Cat, and struggles for authority over her son with her formidable housekeeper Grace, Isabel finds herself drawn into the story of a painter's mysterious death off the island of Jura.  And, perhaps most seriously of all, as she wrestles with these complications, Isabel's professional existence and that of her beloved Review come under attack from the suspiciously handsome Professor Dove. The is the third book in this Sunday Philosophy Club S eries by Alexander McCall Smith that features n

Happy Chinese New Year 2015


The Right Attitude To Rain by Alexander McCall Smith

Synopsis : The delectable new installment in the bestselling and already beloved adventures of Isabel Dalhousie and her no-nonsense housekeeper, Grace. When friends from Dallas arrive in Edinburgh and introduce Isabel to Tom Bruce – a bigwig at home in Texas – several confounding situations unfurl at once. Tom’s young fiancee’s roving eye leads Isabel to believe that money may be the root of her love for Tom. But what, Isabel wonders, is the root of the interest Tom begins to show for Isabel herself? And she can’t forget about her niece, Cat, who’s busy falling for a man whom Isabel suspects of being an incorrigible mama’s boy. Of course Grace and Isabel’s friend Jamie counsel Isabel to stay out of all of it, but there are irresistible philosophical issues at stake – when to tell the truth and when to keep one’s mouth shut, to be precise – and philosophical issues are meat and drink to Isabel Dalhousie, editor of the Review of Applied Ethics. In any case, she’s certai

The Memory Collector by Meg Gardiner

Synopsis : Forensic psychiatrist Jo Beckett's specialty is the psychological autopsy- an investigation into a person's life to determine whether a death was natural, accidental, suicide, or homicide. She calls herself a dead-shrinker instead of a head-shrinker: The silence of her "patients" is a key part of the job's attraction. When Jo is asked to do a psychological autopsy on a living person-one with a suspect memory who can't be trusted to participate in his own medical care-she knows all her skills will be put to the test. Jo is called to the scene of an aircraft inbound from London to help deal with a passenger who is behaving erratically. She figures out that he's got anterograde amnesia, and can't form new memories. Jo finds herself racing to save a patient who can walk and talk and yet can't help Jo figure out just what happened to him. For every cryptic clue he is able to drag up from his memory, Jo has to sift through a

February 2015 Flea Market

When I think of February, there would be a few thoughts that goes through my mind...first would be ' Where did January go? it's now the second month of the year !' Next though would be ''s that time of the year where romance is in the a ir' and whether you might argue that it's over commercialized or not, it's still a great opportunity to share your love with those whom you hold dear in your heart. For the Chinese, this particular February is also the celebration month of the Chinese New Year Festival which falls on the 19th of the month.  You can say it's the main festival for celebration for families and friends near and far and no matter which country you are in, excitement and joy would fill the atmosphere. Weeks and even month prior to this auspicious celebration, families would start to spring clean their home and likewise for yours truly, I started some major tidying up of the home since end of last year.  Sad to say, I am not